- Abkürzungs-Liste (Informatik, Telekommunikation)
- Das Wörterbuch ABKLEX enthält eine Auswahl von rund 12 800 Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation in englischer, deutscher und französischer Sprache mit entsprechenden Auflösungen.
- Zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht immer unterschieden.
- Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht als solche gekennzeichnet.
- Zur Volltextsuche können Sie das Suchfeld rechts oben benutzen.
- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2009
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stand: 01.01.2008
A Advanced, American, Amplitude, Application, Architecture, Area, Association A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile AA Access Authorization AA Aiming Algorithm AA Anti-Aliasing AA Arbitrary Access AA Assistant Administrator AA Audits + Assessments AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting AAAA Aussuchen – Auspacken – Anpassen – Anwenden AAAAAA Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms AAAI American Association of Artificial Intelligence AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coder/Coding AAC Apple Assistance Center AACE Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACR Anglo-American Cataloging Rules AACD Academic Administrative Computing Services AACS Advanced/Automated Access Content/Control System AACS Ann Arbor Computer Society AACS Asynchronous Address Communication System AACS Automated Analog Circuit Synthesis AAD Address Adder AADP Administrative Automatic Data Processing AAE Allgemeine Anschalt-Erlaubnis AAE Automatische Anrufeinrichtung AAFID Autonomous Agent For Intrusion Detection AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code AAL Absolute Assembly Language AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AALPDU AAL Protocol Data Unit AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (Slang) AAN Associated Account Number AAP Advanced Adaptive Protocol AAP Applications Access Point AAP American Association of Publishers AAPI Audio Applications Programming Interface AAR Anfangsadressregister AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AAS Arithmetic Assignment Statement AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATIS Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule AATP Authorized Academic Training Program AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface AAVD Automatic Alternate Voice Data AB Anrufbeantworter AB Ausser Betrieb ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming (SAP) ABB ASEA Brown Boveri (Schweiz) ABC American Broadcasting Company ABC Applications of Broadband Communication ABC Atanasoff-Berry-Computer ABC Automatic Brightness Control ABCS Advanced Business Communications via Satellite ABD Automatic Baudrate Detection ABEND Abnormal End ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font ABI Application Binary Interface ABIC Access Bus Industry Group ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System ABIST Automatic Built-In Self Test ABK Arbeitskreis Bildkommunikation ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender ABLE Agent Building and Learning Environment ABM Anything But Microsoft ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABN Australian Bibliographic Network ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form ABNS Application Based Network Services ABR Automated Beacon Removal ABR Available Bit Rate ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection ABRS Automated Book Request System ABS Address Book Synchronization ABS Authorized Bearer Services (Exceptions) ABS Automatic Backup Shutdown ABT Abort ABT ATM Block Transfer ABTDT ATM Block Transfer Delayed Transmission ABTIT ATM Block Transfer Immediate Transmission ABTS ASCII Block Terminal Services AC Access/Automatic Control AC Access Concentrator AC Accumulator AC Advisory Committee AC Alternating Current AC Analogue Computer AC Arc Consistency AC Audio Code/Codec/Coding AC Authority Center AC Auto Check ACA Application Control Architecture (DEC) ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol ACAP Automated Content Access Protocol ACAS Application Control Architecture Services ACATS Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Systems ACC Abnormal Condition Control ACC Access ACC Accumulator ACC Adaptive Cruise Control ACC Area Communication Controller ACCMAIL Accessing the Internet via Email ACCU Association of C and C++ Users ACD Automated/Automatic Call Director/Distributor/Distribution ACDF Access Control Decision Function ACDG Automatic Call Distribution Group ACDI Asynchronous Communication Device Interface ACDP Australian Committee on Data Processing ACE A Compact Evaluated Nuclear Data File ACE Access Control Encryption/Entry ACE Adaptive Communication Environment ACE Additional Core Enhancements ACE Adobe Certified Expert ACE Advanced Computing Environment (SCO) ACE Adverse Channel Enhancement ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding ACE Automatic Calling Equipment ACELP Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction ACF Access Control Field ACF Admission Confirmation ACF Advanced Communication Function ACF Attribute Configuration File ACFC Address and Control Field Compression ACFM Alternating Current Frequency Modulation ACH Automeated Clearing House ACI Access Control Information ACI Adjacent Channel Interference ACI Advanced Chip Interconnection ACI Advanced Computing Initiative ACI American Computer Innovators ACI Application Communication Interface ACIA Access Control Inner Area ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter ACIAS Automated Calibration Internal Analysis System ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems ACK Acknowledge/Acknowledgement ACK Amsterdam Compiler Kit ACL Access Control List ACL Account Classification ACL Advanced Computing Laboratory ACL Agent Communication Language ACL Application Connectivity Link ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link ACLS Accounting Class Packet Services ACLU American Civil Liberties Union, USA ACM Association for Computing Machinery, USA ACM Audio Compression Manager ACME Assembling Configuration Management Environments ACMS Application Control Management System ACONET Akademisches Computer-Netz, österrreich ACOS Additional Call Offering Service ACP Analog Copy Protection ACP Ancillary Control Program ACP Automatic Channel Programming ACP Auxiliary Control Process ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACPICA Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface Component Architecture ACR Advanced Communication Riser ACR Allowed Cell Rate ACR Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio ACRG Access Code Restriction Group ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System ACS Access Control Server/Set/System ACS Account Control System ACS Advanced Communication/Computer System ACS Aldus Color File ACS Anti Curl System ACS Asynchronous Communication Server ACSA Access Control Specific Area ACSE Association Control Service Element/Entity ACSK Adaptive Code Shift Keying ACSNET Australian Computer Science Network ACSR Automatic Customer Station Rearrangement ACSS Audio Cascading Style Sheet ACT Advanced Communication for Training ACT Applied Computerized Telephony (HP) ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunication Association ACTI Advanced Computational Technology Initiative ACTL Access Customer Terminal Location ACTLU Active Logical Unit ACTPU Active Physical Unit ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite ACTS Automated Computer Time Service (NIST) ACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology ACTU Active User ACTV Advanced Compatible Television ACU Access Control Unit ACU Acknowledgement Signal Unit ACU Automatic Calling Unit ACVC Ada Compiler Validation Capacity ACWT Analog Call Waiting A/D Analog/Digital AD Active Directory AD Administrative Domain AD Assignment Date ADA Adobe Developers Association ADA Applied Decision Analysis ADA Automatic Data Acquisition ADABAS Adaptable Database System ADAIC Ada Information Clearinghouse ADAM Automatischer Datenmessplatz ADAM Art, Design, Architecture + Media Information Gateway ADAT Alesis Digital Audio Tape ADB Apple Desktop Bus ADB Authentication Database ADC Adaptive Data Compression ADC Add with Carry ADC Analogue to Digital Converter ADC Apple Developer Connection ADC Apple Display Connector ADC Application Development Classes ADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure/Protocol ADD Adapter Device Driver ADD Architecture Design Document ADD Automatic Document Detection ADDMD Administration Directory Management Domain ADDX Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DXer ADE Advanced Document Engineering ADE Application Development Environment ADEOS Advanced Earth Observation Satellite, Japan ADEPA Agence Nationale pour le Developpement de la Production Automatisee ADF Adaptor Description File ADF Address Distribution Facility ADF Arbeitskreis Digitale Fotografie ADF Automatic Direction Finder/Finding ADF Automatic Document Feed/Feeder ADF Automatically Defined Function ADFS Acorn/Advanced Disc File/Filing System ADI Agence de l'Informatique ADI Autodesk Device Interface ADIOS Automated Download and Installation of Operating Systems ADISS Analytical Data Interchange + Storage Standards ADL Above Detection Limit ADL Address Data Latch ADL Adventure Definition Language ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter ADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression ADLC Asynchronous Data Link Control ADM Add/Drop-Multiplexer ADM Aggregate Data Manager ADM Application Development Modul ADM Arrow Diagram Method ADM Asynchronous Disconnected Mode ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance ADMACS Apple Document Management And Control System ADMD Administrative/Administration Management Domain (X.400) ADO ActiveX Data Object ADP Administrative/Automatic Data Processing ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages ADP Automatic Data Processing ADPCM Adaptive Delta/Differential Pulse Code Modulation/Modulator ADR Address ADR Advanced Digital Recording ADRC Adaptive Dynamic Range Coding ADRD Automatic Data Rate Detection ADRES Automatic Dynamic Range Expansion System ADS Active Directory Service ADS Aktiver Diagnose-Stecker ADS Alternate Data Stream ADS Application Development Solutions/System ADS AutoCAD Development System ADS Automated Data Service ADS Automatic Distribution System ADSC Address Status Changed ADSC Adobe Document Structuring Conventions ADSI Active/Advanced Directory Service Interface ADSI Analog Display Services Interface ADSL Asymmetric(al) Digital Subscriber Line/Loop ADSM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (IBM) ADSP AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT Abrechnungsdatenträger ADT Abstrakter Datentyp ADT Advanced DRAM Technology ADT Application Data Type ADTV Advanced Definition Television ADU Automatic Dialing Unit ADVISE Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement ADX Automatic Data Exchange ADXVERZ Amtliches Verzeichnis der DATEX-Teilnehmer AE Above or Equal AE Application Entity AEB Analogue Expansion Bus AEC Architectural and Engineering Construction AEC Ars Electronica Center AEC Availability Environment Classification AECG Advanced Embedded Codes Gateway AED Abfrageeinrichtung für Datenverkehr AEEC Airlines Engineering Electronics Committee AEG Allgemeine Electricitäts-Gesellschaft AEH Advanced Encapsulated Hypertext AEI Additional Equipment Interface AEIOUS Advanced Enhanced Interface for Open Universal Systems AEM Acoustic Emission Monitoring AEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism AEM Automatic Emulation Management AEMS Automated Energy Management System AEP AppleTalk Echo Protocol AEP Application Environment Profile (Posix) AES Advanced Encryption Standard AES Application Environment Specification/Services AET Abstract Window Toolkit AET Advanced Educational Technology AET Application Entity Title AF Alternative/Audio Frequency AF Anzunehmender Fehler AF Auxiliary Carry Flag AFA Accelerated File Access AFA Association des Fournisseurs d'Acces et de Services Internet AFAIAA As Far As I Am Aware (Slang) AFAIC As Far As I am Concerned (Slang) AFAIK As Far As I Know (Slang) AFAIKT As Far As I Know Today (Slang) AFAIR As Far As I Remember (Slang) AFB Adobe Font Binary AFC Antiferro-magnetically Coupled (media) AFC Automatic Font Change AFC Automatic Frequency Control AFCCU Advanced Function Common Control Unit AFD Automatic File Distribution AFDM Advanced Fluid Dynamics Model AFDW Active Framework for Data Warehousing AFE Analog Front End AFF Adaptive Feed Forward AFFS Amiga Fast File System AFH Adaptive Frequency Hopping AFI Authority and Format Identifier AFII Association for Font Information Interchange AFIN Association Française des Informaticiens AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies AFIRM Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFJ April Fool's Joke (Slang) AFK Away From Keyboard (Slang) AFM Adobe Font Manager/Metrics AFM Audio Frequency Modulation AFN American Forces Network AFNIC Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation AFOD Angebot für Online-Dienste AFP Advanced Flexible Processor AFP Advanced Function Presentation/Printing AFP AppleTalk Filing Protocol AFR Alternate Frame Rendering AFR Annualized Failure Rate AFR Arndt-Ford-Roper Two-pole Fit AFS Advanced Freephone Service AFS Alex/Andrew/Advanced File System AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keyer/Keying (Modulation) AFT Adapter Fault Tolerance AFTEL Association Française de la Telematique Multimedia AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network AFTP Anonymous FTP (Internet) AFU alt.folklore.urban AFUG Amateurfunkgesetz AFUL Association francophone des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres AFUU Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX AFUUSO Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX et des Systemes Ouverts AFUV Amateurfunkverordnung AG Alternating Gradient AGA Advanced Graphics Adapter/Architecture AGAF Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amateurfunkfernsehen AGC Automatic Gain Control AGCS Advanced Graphic Chip Set AGCW Arbeitsgemeinschaft CW AGDX Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e. V., Erlangen AGE Automatische Gebührenerfassung AGFMB Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freier Mailboxen AGFPL Aladdin Ghostscript Free Punlic License AGL Adobe Glyph List AGNES Automatisches GPS-Netz Schweiz AGP Accelerated Graphics Port AGP Advanced Graphics Package (HP) AGPL Affero General Public License (GNU) AGRAS Antiglare Antireflective Antistatic AGU Address Generation Unit AGUI Advanced Graphical User Interface AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle AH Authentication Header AHB Advanced High Performance Bus AHC Advanced High Speed CMOS AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface AHDL Altera Hardware Description Language AHRA Audio Home Recording Act AHREF Anchor Hypertext Reference AI Adobe Illustrator AI Analogue Input AI Artificial Intelligence AI Active Interface AIA Application Integrated Architecture (DEC) AIC AIX Windows Interface Composer AID Alarm Identification on Demand AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, Action AIDS Activity Information Data System AIDS Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System AIDS Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service AIFF Adobe/Audio Interchange File Format AII Active Input Interface AIIM Association for Information and Image Management AIK Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe e. V. AIM Advanced Informatics AIM AOL Instant Messenger AIM Automatic Interface Management in Medicine AIM Apple, Intel, Motorola AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language AIMB As I Mentioned Before (Slang) AIMS Advanced Information Management System AIMS Apple Internet Mail Server AIN Advanced Intelligent Network AIN Auto Insert Notification AIO All In One AIO Annual Inspection + Overhaul AIOD Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing AIP Adaptive Internet Protocol AIP Application Infrastructure Provider AIP Archive Information Package AIPS Astronomical Image Processing System AIR Architecture Implementation Review AIR Automated Image and Restore AIS Account Information Security (Program) AIS Administrative/Affiliate Information System AIS Alarm Indication Signal/System AIS Application Integration Services AIS Artificial Immune System AIS Audit Information System (SAP) AIS Automated Identification/Information System AIS Autonomous Intelligent System AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus AISI As I See It (Slang) AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals AIT Advanced Information Technology AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape AIUI As I Understand It (Slang) AIW APPN Implementor's Workshop AIX Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM) AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML AKA Also Known As (Slang) AKI Arbeitskreis Informatik AKL Agent Kernel Language AKS Arbeitskreis Schule (in der GUUG) AKSIS Arbeitskreis Schutz von Infrastrukturen AL Application Layer AL Arbitrated Loop AL Assembly Language AL Aussagenlogik ALA American Library Association ALAT Advanced Load Address Table ALB Adaptive Load Balancing ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuit ALC Automatic Level Control ALDC Advanced Lossless Data Compression ALE Address Latch Enable ALE Address Lifetime Expectancy ALE Application Link Enabling ALE Application Linking and Embedding ALEC Alternative Local Exchange Carrier ALEX A Lexical Programming Language ALEX Advertising Link Exchange ALEX Altlasten-Expertensystem ALEX Automatic Login Executor ALEX Automated/Automatic Labour Exchange ALF Accurate positioning by Low Frequency ALG Application Level Gateway ALGOL Algorithmic Language ALI American Law Institute ALI Automatic Link Intelligence ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases of Inforamtion ALICE Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity ALINk Active Link ALIS Automatic Link Setup ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web ALM Application Loadable Modul ALN Asynchronous Learning Network ALOE Apple Library for Object Embedding ALOS Auto LISP Object System ALP Assembly Language Preprocessor ALP Automatic Language Processing ALPM Aggressive Link Power Management ALRU Automatic Line Record Update ALS Advanced Low Power Schottky ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ALT Alternate ALT Anti Leech Tracker ALU Arithmetic Logic/Logical Unit ALWR Arbeitskreis der Leiter Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren AM Amplitudenmodulation AM Anschlussmodul AM Anwendungsmodul AM Application Maintainer (Debian) AMA Automatic Message Accounting AMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance AMASS Archival Management And Storage System AMB Advanced Memory Buffer AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture AMBW All My Best Wishes (Slang) AMC Arbitration and Mediation Center AMD Active Matrix Display AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., USA AMDD Agile Modelling Driven Development AMDS Amplitude Modulation Data System AME Advanced Metal Evaporated AMF All Media Floppy AMH Automated Materials Handling AMI Alternate/Alternative Mark Inversion AMI American Microsystems Inc. AMI Application Messaging Interface AML ACPI Machine Language AML Acronym Master List AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture AMO Administration and Maintenance Order AMP Advanced Metal Powder AMP Asymmetric/Asynchronous Multi Processing AMP Audio MPEG Player AMPL A Mathematical Programming Language AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service/System AMR Adaptive Mesh Refinement AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Audio Codec) AMR Anisotropic Magnetoresistance AMR Audio Modem Riser AMRA Ants-based Mobile Routing Architecture AMRIS Adhoc Multicast Routing Protocol Utilizing Increasing ID-Numbers AMRR Adaptive Multi Rate Retry AMS American Mathematical Society AMS Andrew Message System AMT Apple Media Toolkit AMTEC Ausstellung für Amateurfunktechnik, Elektronik, Computer AMTOR Amateur Microcomputer Teleprinting Over Radio AMVER Atlantic/Automatic Merchant Vessel (Emergency) Reporting System AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System AN Access Network AN Accession/Associated Number ANAC Automatic Number Announcement Circuit ANARC Association of North American Radio Clubs ANDF Architecture Neutral Distribution Format ANF Additional Network Feature ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different (Slang) ANI Automatic Number Identification (Telefon) ANIS Analoger Anschluss an einer ISDN-Vermittlungsstelle ANL Argonne National Laboratory, USA ANL Automatic Noise Limiter ANN Artificial Neural Network ANR Advanced/Automatic Network Routing ANRS Automatic Noise Reduction System ANS Access Network System ANS Advanced Networking Services (Intel) ANS American National Standard ANSA Advances Network Systems Architecture ANSI American National Standards Institute ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center ANTIOPE Aquisition Numerique et Televisualisition d'Images Organisees en Page d'Ecriture ANW International Academic Networking Workshop AO Analogue Output AOC Abnormal Operating Condition AOC ADSL Overhead Control AOC Advice Of Charge AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment AOD Advanced Optical Disc AOD Audio On Demand AODBS Aspect Oriented Database System AODI Always On Dynamic ISDN AODV Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector AOE Application Operating Environment (AT+T) AOE ATA over Ethernet AOI Active Output Interface AOL America Online, Inc. AOM Annual Operating + Maintenance (cost) AOP Aspect Oriented Programming AOR Atlantic Ocean Region AOS Add Or Subtract AOS Advanced Operating System AOSD Aspect Oriented Software Development AOSE Agent Oriented Software Engineering AOSS AirStation One-touch Secure System AOT Absolutely Off Topic (News) AOT Ahead Of Time (compilation) AOT Application Object Template/Tree AOW Asia and Oceania Workshop (OSI) AP Access Point AP Adjunct/Application Processor AP Application/Adjunct Process/Processor/Program AP Automatic Pagination APA All Points Addressable APA Adaptive Packet Assembly APA All Points Addressable APA Arithmetic Processing Accelerator APA Amateur Press Association APAA Aggressive Packet Adaptive Assembly APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM) APAREN Address Parity Enable APART Automated Packet Recognition/Translation APB Advanced Peripheral Bus APC Application Protocol APC Association for Progressive Communications APC Arbeitsplatzcomputer APC Airborne Public Correspondence APC Automated Production Protocol APCUG Association of PC Users Groups APD Areal Power Density APDA Apple Programmers and Developers Association APDU Application Protocol Data Unit APE Abgesetzte Periphere Einheit APE Adaptable Persistence Engine APEX Advanced Packet Exchange APEX Application Exchange APF Active Port Forwarding APG Automated Password Generator API Application Program/Programming Interface APIA Application Program Interface Association APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller APIM ATM Interface Port Module APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing APL A Programming Language APL Application Program Library APM Advanced Power Management APN Access Point Name APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre APO Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP) APOL Alternate Person On Line (Slang) APOP Authenticated Post Ofice Protocol APP Application Portability Profile APP Automatic Page Positioning APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication/Converter (IBM) APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network/Networking (IBM) APR Access Point Roaming APR Apache Portable Runtime (layer, library) APRIL Active/Passive Radio Interference Lock APRIL Adaptive Photonic Reflection by Inverted Light APRIL Advanced Power Recycling by Integrated Logic APRIL Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link APRIL Association for Promotion and Research in Linux APRIL Association pour la Promotion et la Recherche en Informatique libre APRP Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing APRS Automatic Position Report System APS Active Pixel Sensor APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling APS Advanced Printing/Production/Photo System APS Array Processing System APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification APS Automatic Position Select APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification APS Auto Pilot System APS Assembly Programming System APSE Ada Programming/Project Support Environment APSL Apple Public Source License APSN Atlantic Packet Satellite Network APT Address Pass Through APT Adobe Postscript Point APT Advanced Package Tool APT Advanced Parallel Technology APT Almost Plain Text APT Application Program Title APT Automatically Programmed Tools APU Attached Processing Unit AQL A Query Language AQL Acceptable Quality Level AR Access Router AR Artificial/Augmented Reality AR Aspect Ratio AR Augmented Reality ARA Apple/AppleTalk Remote Access ARAG Antireflective Antiglare ARAP Apple Remote Access Protocol ARAS Antireflective Antistatic ARB Adaptive Rate Based ARB Architectural/Architecture Review Board ARC Acceptable Risk Calculator ARC Acoustic Resonance Control ARC Advanced RISC Computing ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture ARCNET Attached Resource Computer/Computing Network ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands ARD Apple Remote Desktop ARDF Amateur Radio Direction Finding ARES Annuaire Recherche Enseignement Superieur ARF Abuse Reporting Format ARI Autofahrer Rundfunk Information ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers ARIS Architecture of Integrated Information Systems ARJ Admission Reject ARL Adjusted Ring Length ARL Authority Revocation List ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited ARM Account Resource Management ARM Acorn/Advanced RISC Machine ARM Advanced RISC Machine ARM Annotated Reference Manual ARM Application Response Measurment ARM Arpanet Reference Model ARM Asynchronous Response Mode ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators, USA ARMM Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation ARMS Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage ARNE Automated Remote Network Evaluation ARNS AppleTalk Remote Network Server AROM Associative Read Only Memory ARP Address Resolution Protocol (Internet) ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level ARQ Admission Request ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ARR Annual Return Rate ARR Automatic Repeat/Retransmission Request ARRL American Radio Relay League ARS Activity Reporting System ARS Adaptive Rate System ARS Address Retrieval System ARS Atomic Resolution Storage ARS Automatic Route Selection ARSB Automated Repair Service Bureau ART Adaptive Reasoning Technology ART Another Ray Tracer ART Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications ARTA Apple Real Time Architecture ARTIC A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor (IBM) ARTOB Amateur Radio Translator on Balloon ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal ARU Audio Response Unit AS Abstract Syntax AS Anschlusssatz AS Application System (IBM) AS Authentication Server/Service AS Autonomous System AS3AP ANSI SQL Standard Scalable and Portable ASA American Standards Association ASA Advanced SCSI Architecture ASA Adaptive Security Algorithm ASAI Adjunct Switch Application Interface ASAM Arbeitskreis zur Standardisierung von Automatisierungs- und Messsystemen ASAP As Soon As Possible (Slang) ASAP Automatic Switching And Processing ASB Advanced System Buffering/Bus ASB Alarm-Signal-Bearbeitung ASC Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI) ASC Auditor Security Collection ASC Authorized Service/Support Center ASCC Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM) ASCI Accelerated/Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCIIZ ASCII String, Zero Terminated ASCOM Asynchronous Communication Control Program ASD Application Structure Database ASD Automatic Skip Driver ASDF Another System Definition Facility ASDF Association of Synchronous Data Formats ASDF Average Squared Difference Function ASE Advanced Server Environment ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission ASEA Allmänna Svenska Electricitets-Aktiebolag, Schweden ASF Active Movie Streaming Format ASF Active/Advanced Streaming Format ASF Apache Software Foundation ASF Aspect Source Flag ASI Adapter Support Interface (IBM) ASI Alarm-Signal-Initialisierung ASI Application Specific Instruction ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number ASIO Audio Stream Input Output ASIP Application Specific Instruction Set Processor ASIS Ada Semantic Interface Specification ASIS American Society for Industrial Security ASIS American Society for Information Science ASIT Advanced Security and Identification Technology ASK Akademische Software Kooperation, Karlsruhe ASK Amplitude Shift Keying ASL ACPI (Control Method) Source Language ASL Adaptive Speed Levelling ASL Architectural Space Laboratory, Zürich ASLM Apple Shared Library Manager ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization ASM Abstract State Machine ASM Any Source Multicast ASM Application Specific Memory ASM Automated Storage Management ASMP Asymmetric Multi Processing ASN Abstract Syntax Notation ASN Access Stack Node ASN Autonomous System Number ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO, CCITT) ASO Active Sideband Optimum ASO Address Supporting Organization ASO Automated Systems Operation ASP Active Server Page/Pages ASP Advanced Signal Processor ASP Advanced Simple Profile ASP Allegiance Site License Program ASP AppleTalk Session Protocol ASP Application Service Provider ASP Association of Shareware Professionals ASP Attached Support Processor ASP Authorized Service Provider/Providing ASPEC Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Encoding ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ASPS Advanced Signal Processing System ASQ Automated Software Quality ASR Ada Software Repository ASR Address Space Register ASR Automatic Send Receive ASR Automatic Speech Recognition ASR Automatic System Recovery ASRO Asociata de Standardizare din Romania ASS Aural Style Sheet AST Anwendungsschnittstelle ASTA Anti Spam Technical Alliance ASTAB Asychronous Status Board ASTRA Association Tunesienne des Radio Amateurs ASU Asynchron/Synchron-Umsetzer ASUG America's SAP Users' Group ASV Advanced Super View AT Atomic Time AT Advanced/Assistive Technology AT Attention (Hayes) AT Attenuator ATA Analog Telefon/Terminal Adapter ATA AT (Bus) Attachment (Interface) ATA Advanced Technology Attachment ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface ATB All Trunks Busy ATC Adaptive Transform Coding ATC Address Translation Cache ATC Advanced Transfer Cache ATC ATM Transfer Capability ATCA Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ATCP AppleTalk Control Protocol ATDM Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing ATDMA Advanced/Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access ATDP Attention Dial Pulse (Hayes) ATDT Attention Dial Tone (Hayes) ATE Automated/Automatic Test/Testing Equipment ATF Automatic Track Finding/Following ATF Asynchronous Transfer ATFSM Ask The Friendly System Manager (Slang) ATH Abbreviated Trouble History ATH Attention Hangup (Hayes) ATIP Absolute Time In Pregroove ATIS A Tools Integration Standard ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS Automatic Transmitter Identification System ATK Andrew Toolkit ATKIS Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informationssystem ATL Active Template Library ATL Automatic Tape Library ATLAS Abreviated Test Language for All Systems ATM Adobe Type/Typeface Manager ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM At The Moment (Slang) ATM Automated/Automatic Teller Machine ATMARP ATM Address Resolution Protocol ATM-CC ATM Crossconnect ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATO Assemble/Assembly To Order ATOM Advanced Terminal for Operation and Maintenance ATP Acceptance Test Procedure ATP AppleTalk Transaction Protocol ATP Adaptive Tolerant Protocol ATPS AppleTalk Printing Services ATR Answer To Reset ATR Attribute ATR Automatic Terminal Recognition ATRAC Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding ATRC Adaptive Technology Resource Center, U. of Toronto ATS Administrative Terminal System ATS Advanced Training Solution ATS Apple Terminal Services ATS Author Title Subject ATS Automatic Transfer Switch ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee ATST At The Same Time (Slang) AT+T American Telephone and Telegraph ATT Attenuator ATT At This Time (Slang) ATTC Advanced Television Test Center, USA ATV Advanced/Amateur Television ATX Advanced Technology Extended AU Administrative/Arithmetic/Access Unit AUA Architecture Unifiee d'Applications AUC Authentication/Authority Centre AUDIT Automated/Automatic Data Input Terminal AUE Andrew User Environment AUFS Another Union Files System AUG Apollo/Arcnet User Group AUGE Apple User Group Europe AUI Archiver User Interface AUI Attached/Attachment Unit/Universal Interface (Ethernet) AUIS Andrew User Interface System AUP Acceptable/Appropriate Use Policy (Internet) AUTEX Automatische Telex- und Teletexauskunft der DBP AUX Auxiliary AUX Apple UNIX AV Antivirus AV audio-visuell, Audio-Video AV Authenticity Verification AVA Audio Visual Authoring (IBM) AVA Anruf-Variante AVA Attribute Value Assertion AVC Access Vector Cache AVC Advanced Video Coding AVC Audio Visual Connection AVC Automatic Volume Control AVC Audio Visual Connection (IBM) AVCD Audio Visual Computer Display AVD Alternate Voice or Data AVERT Antivirus Emergency Response Team (NAI) AVERZTXTTX Amtliches Telex- und Teletexverzeichnis der DBP AVG Average AVI Audio Video/Visual Interleave/Interleaved (Microsoft) AVI Audiovisuelle Integration AVI Advanced Visual Interface AVIA Architecture for Virtual Interfaces for Applications AVK Application Verification Kit AVK Audio-Video Kernel AVL Adelson-Velskij, Landis (-Baum) AVN Adobe Virtual Network AVON Amtliches Verzeichnis der Ortsnetze AVP Attribute Value Pair AVR Automatic Voice Recognition AVRCP Audio Video Remote Control Profile AVS Advanced Visual System AVS Altersverifikationssystem AVS Application Visualization System (IBM) AVSM Audio-Visual Storage Manager AVSP Advanced Video Signal Processor AVSS Audio-Video Subsystem Software AVVID Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data (Cisco) AWA A While Ago (Slang) AWADO Automatischer Wechselschalter in der Anschlussdose AWB A While Back (Slang) AWC Association of Women in Computing AWCG Add With Carry (random number) Generator AWD Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen AWE Address Windowing Extensions AWE Advanced Workstation Environment AWF Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Fortbildung AWG American Wire Gauge AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? (Slang) AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet? (Slang) AWL Anweisungsliste (DIN 19 239) AWL Auswahl-Logik AWL Auto Whitelist AWS Administrative Workstation AWS Advanced Workstations and Systems (group) (IBM) AWS Apple Workgroup Server AWS Anrufweiterschaltung AWS Anwendungssoftware AWT Abstract/Advanced Window/Windowing Toolkit AWU Auto Wake Up AX Automatic Transmission AXE Applications Execution Environment AXTLK Alien Crosstalk AXU Application Specific Execution Unit AYOR At Your Own Risc (Slang) AYST Are You Still There? (Slang) AZ Azimut AZB Anzeige-Befehl