- Abkürzungs-Liste (Informatik, Telekommunikation)
- Das Wörterbuch ABKLEX enthält eine Auswahl von rund 12 800 Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation in englischer, deutscher und französischer Sprache mit entsprechenden Auflösungen.
- Zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht immer unterschieden.
- Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht als solche gekennzeichnet.
- Zur Volltextsuche können Sie das Suchfeld rechts oben benutzen.
- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2009
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stand: 01.01.2008
I Ident, Indicator, Information, Integrated, International, Internet I18N Internationalization I2O Intelligent Input/Output I3 IMA Interoperability Initiative I4DL Interface, Inheritance, Implementation, Installation Definition Language IA Identification + Authentication, I+A IA Information Appliance IA Intelligent Applications IA International Alphabet IA Interworking Implementation Agreement IAA Intel Application Accelerator IAAS Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin IAB Individual Address Block IAB International Academy of Broadcasting IAB Internet Activities/Architecture Board IAB Internet Advertising Bureau, UK IAC In Any Case (Slang) IAC Interapplication Communication (Apple) IACK Information Acknowledgement IACR International Association for Cryptologic Research IAD Integrated Access Device IAD Internet Addiction Disorder IAE In Any Event (Slang) IAE ISDN Anschalteinheit/Anschlusseinheit IAEL International Association of Entertainment Lawyers IAFA Internet Anonymous FTP Archive IAG Industry Advisory Group (Novell) IAHC Internet International Ad Hoc Committee IAI Internet Applications Integration IAL Intel Architecture Labs IAL International Algebraic Language (ALGOL) IAM Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Bern IAMCE ISDN Access Module Control Element IAMT Intel Advanced Management Technology IAN Integrated Access Node IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (Slang) IAOG International Administrative Management Domains Operators Group IAP Internet Access Policy/Provider IAP ISDN Access Internetworking Profile IAR Institut für Automation und Robotik IARP International Amateur Radio Permission IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol IARU International Amateur Radio Union IAS Information Access System IASG Internet Addiction Support Group IASNET Institute for Automated Systems Network IASS Internet Alphaserver System Software IAT Import Address Table IATE Inter Active Terminology for Europe IAUG International AIX Users Group IAX Inter-Asterisk Exchange Protocol IB In Betrieb IB Intelligent Backtracking IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority IBA Intel Boot Agent IBAC In Band Adjacent Channel IBAN International Bank Account Number IBC Illinois Benedictine College (Gutenberg-Projekt) IBC Inadequate But Cute (Slang) IBC Inter Base Component IBC International Broadcasting Convention IBCN Integrated Broadband Communication Network IBCS1 Intel Binary Compatibility Specification Edition 1 IBDWT Irrational Based Discrete Weighted Transform IBFD Interessengemeinschaft Blinder Funkamateure Deutschlands IBIA International Biometric Industry Association IBL Input Buffer Limit IBM International Business Machines (Big Blue) IBN International Booking Network IBO Inter Base Object IBOC In Band On Channel IBOND Intelligent Business On Demand IBP Institut Blaise Pascal, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France IBS Integriertes Banken-System IBS Intelsat Business Services IBSS Independent Basic Service Set IBT Internet Based Training IBTD I Beg To Differ (Slang) IBU Informationsverbund Buchhandel IBX Individualized Blackbox Component (Microsoft) IC I See (Slang) IC In Characters (Slang) IC Incoming Call IC Information Centre IC Input/Integrated Circuit IC Instruction Cache IC Interexchange Carrier IC Interrupt Controller ICA Image Component Attribute ICA Independent Component Analysis ICA Independent Computing Architecture ICA Intelligent Channels/Console Architecture ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter ICA Interface Connector Assembly ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing ICAN Individual Customer Access Network ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICAP Integrated Computer Aided Production ICARE International Council for Amateur Radio in Education ICAS Information Communication Assistance System ICAS Intel Communicating Applications Specifications ICB Interface Control Board ICC Integrated Circuit Card ICC Intelligent Channel Controller ICC International Color Consortium ICC International Conference on Communications ICCB Internet Control and Configuration Board ICCC International Conference on Computer Communications ICCCM Interclient Communications Conventions Manual ICCE International Conference on Consumer Electronics ICCHP International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons ICCS Integrated Communications Cabling System (Siemens) ICD International Code Designator ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering ICE Image Correction and Enhancement ICE In-Circuit Emulator/Emulation ICE Information Content Exchange ICE Integrated Communication Environment ICE Inter Client Exchange (Protocol) ICF Interact Communication Facility ICE Internal Compiler Error ICE Internet Communications Engine ICF Internet Connection Firewall ICG Inversive Congruential (random number) Generator ICG Interface Coordination Group ICH I/O Contoller Hub ICI Inter/Interexchange Carrier Interface ICI Information Science Institute ICIA International Communications Industries Association ICIP ICI Protocol ICL Interface Clear ICM Image Color Management/Matching ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol ICN Information and Communication Network ICN Integrated Computing Network ICO Intermediate Circular Orbit ICOCBW I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong (Slang) ICP Input Control Procedure ICP Integrated Channel Processor ICP Interconnection Partner ICP Internet Cache Protocol ICP Internet Content Provider ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest ICQ I Seek You (Slang) ICR Information Collection Request ICR Initial Cell Rate ICR Intelligent Character Recognition ICRA Internet Content Rating Association ICS IBM Cabling System ICS Integrated Communication Services ICS Internet Chess Server ICS Internet Connecting/Connection Sharing (Microsoft) ICS Intuitive Command Structure ICSA International Customer Service Association ICSTIS Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services ICT Information and Communication Technology ICTF Internet Content Task Force ICU ISA Configuration Utility ICU Instruction Cache Unit ICU International Components for Unicode ICV Integrity Check Value ICX Inter Cartridge Exchange ID Identification, Identifier ID Instruction Decode ID Internet Draft ID Intrusion Detection IDA Independent/Intelligent Disk/Drive Array IDA Interactive Debugging Aid IDAPI Integrated Database Application Programming Interface IDB Integrated Database IDC I Don't Care (Slang) IDC International Data Corporation IDC Internet Database Connector IDC Item Description Code IDCT Inverse Discrete Cosine Tranform/Transformation IDD International Direct/Distance Dialling IDE Integrated Development Environment IDE Integrated Device/Drive Electronics IDE Interactive Design and Engineering IDE Interface Design Enhancement IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm IDF Intel Developer Forum IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame IDF Inverse Document Frequency IDI Initial Domain Identifier IDI ISDN Driver Interface IDK Interessengemeinschaft Datenkommunikation IDL Interactive Data Language IDL Interface/Internet Definition Language IDM Identity Management IDM Improved/Integrated Data Modem IDM Intelligent Device Management IDM Internet Download Manager IDMS Imaging and Document Management System IDMS Integrated Database Management System IDN Identification Number IDN Integriertes Datennetz, Integrated Digital Network IDN Internationalized Domain Name IDP Initial Domain Part IDP Integrated Data Processing IDP Internet Datagram Protocol IDR Intergalactic Digital Research IDR Intermediate Data Rate Service IDRP Interdomain Routing Protocol IDS Integrated Data System IDS Intrusion Detection System IDSL ISDN Digital Subscriber Line IDST I Didn't Say That (Slang) IDT Improved Definition Television IDT Interrupt Descriptor Table IDTRC Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Cache IDTS I Don't Think So (Slang) IDTV Improved Definition Television IDU Interface Data Unit IDXP Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol IE Information Element IEB Institute of Electronic Business, Berlin IEC Interexchange Carrier IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEC International Engineering Consortium IECC Intercultural E-mail Classroom Connections IECQ IEC Quality Assessment System for Electrical Components IED Intelligent Electronic Device IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE/CS IEEE Computer Society IEF Information Engineering Facility IEMMC Internet Electronic Mail Marketing Council IEMP Internal Electromagnetic Pulse IEN Image Enabled Netware IEN Internet Engineering/Experiment/Experimental Note IEPRC International Electronic Publishing Research Centre IES Information Exchange System IES Integrated Election System IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group IET Image Enhancement Technology IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual IEX Imaging Extensions for XWS IF Intermediate Frequency, Zwischenfrequenz IFA Internationale Funkausstellung, Berlin IFC Integrated Factory Control IFC Industry/Internet Foundation Classes IFD Image File Directory IFD Interface Device IFF Interessengruppe Funkamateure im Fernverkehr IFF Interchange File Format (Amiga) IFF Internet Fast Forward IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation IFG Incoming Fax Gateway IFG Informationsfreiheitsgesetz IFG Inter Frame Gap IFIP International Federation for Information Processing IFL Integrated Facility for Linux IFL Internet For Learning IFMP Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol IFPI International Federation of the Phonographic Industry IFRB International Frequency Registration Board IFS Inter Frame Space IFS Installable File System (OS/2) IFS Interchange File Separator IFS Internal Field Separator IFU Instruction Fetch Unit IFU Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFV Internationaler Fernmeldevertrag IFVV Internationale feste virtuelle Verbindungen IFW ISDN for Workgroups (Microsoft) IFWFW ISDN for Windows for Workgroups (Microsoft) IG Interactive Graphics IG Interessengemeinschaft, Interest Group IG Interior Gateway IGA Integrated Graphics Adaptor/Array IGBT Insulated/Insulator Gate Bipolar Transistor IGC Institute for Global/Galactic Communications IGC Integrated Graphics Controller IGD (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung, Darmstadt IGE (Eidgenössisches) Institut für geistiges Eigentum, Bern IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification IGF Internet Governance Forum IGIS Interactive Graphics Information System IGITT Interactive Graphics Information Troubleshooting Technology IGMP Internet Group Management/Message Protocol IGN IBM Global Net IGP Interior Gateway Protocol (Internet) IGRP Internet/Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Cisco) IGS Interchange Group Separator IGS Internet Go Server IGTF Internet Governance Task Force IH In House IHEM In-House Energy Management IHL Internet Header Length IHS Integrated Heat Spreader IIC Inter Integrated Circuit (Bus) IID Interface Identifier IIF Image Interchange Facility III Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan IIJ Internet Initiative Japan IIL Integrated Injection Logic IIM Identified Internet Mail IIM Information Interchange Model IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol IIP ISDN Intermediate Interworking Profile IIPS Irrevocably Interruptible Power Supply IIR Immediate Impulse Response IIRC If I Remember Correctly (Slang) IIS Internet Information Server (Microsoft) IIS Internet Integrated Services IISP Interim Inter Signalling/Switch Protocol IITA Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force, USA IITYWYBMAD If I Tell You Will You Buy Me Another Drink? (Slang) IIWM If It Were Me/Mine (Slang) IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJS Inkjet Server (HP) IK-CAPE Industriekooperation Computer Aided Process Engineering IKE Internet Key Exchange (Protocol) IKMP Internet Key Management Protocol IKOE Institut für Kommunikationsökologie, Hamburg IKT Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologie IL Idle IL Idle Listening IL Intermediate Language ILA Internet Learning Agent ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier ILETS International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar ILG Initiated Linux Guru ILLAB Ich Liege Lachend Am Boden (Slang), vgl. ROTFL ILLIAC Illinois Institute for Advanced Computing ILLIAC Illinois Integrator + Automatic Computer ILM Industrial Light + Magic, Inc. (G. Lucas) ILMI Interim Local Management Interface ILP Inductive Logic Programming ILP Integer Linear Programming ILP Integer, Long, Pointer ILS Integrated Logistic Support ILT Item Level Tagging ILVU Interleaved Video Unit IM Information Management/Modeling IM Instant Message/Messaging/Messenger IM Intermodulation IMA Interactive Multimedia Association IMA Internationale Multimedia Akademie (Karlsruhe) IMA Inverse Multiplexer for ATM IMAC Isochronous MAC (FDDI) IMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion (Slang) IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol IMBE Improved Multi-Band Excitation IMC Internet Mail Consortium IMCO In My Considered Opinion (Slang) IMDS Image Data Stream (IBM) IME In My Experience (Slang) IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier/Identity IMG Image IMG Information Management Group IMHO In My Humble Opinion (Slang) IMI I Mean It (Slang) IMI Internet MSS Interface IMIMG ISDN Memorandum of Understanding Implementation Management Group IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion (Slang) IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion (Slang) IMO In My Opinion (Slang) IMO International Maritime Organization IMOBO In My Own Biased Opinion (Slang) IMP Information/Interface Message Processor IMP Instant Messaging Protocol IMPA Intelligent Multi-Port Adaptor IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol IMPS Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite IMQ Intermediate Queuing (device) IMR Internet Monthly Report IMS Information Management System IMS Integrated Media Service IMS Internet Mail Service IMS Intermediate Maintenance Standards IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity IMSL International Mathematical Subroutine Library (VNI) IMSP Independent Manufacturers Support Program IMSP Internet Message Support Protocol IMT Information Managment Team IMT Inter-Machine Trunk IMT International Mobile Telecommunications IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium IN Individual Network e. V. IN Input IN Intelligentes Netz (Telekom) INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel INAK Information Negative Acknowledgement INAP Intelligent Network Application Part INARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol INC In Chain INC Increment INC Internet Computer INCA Interleaved Native Compiled Architecture INET International Networking Conference INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy INH Intelligent Networking Hub INIS International Nuclear Information System INKA Individual Network Region Karlsruhe INM Integrated Network Management INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization INMS Integrated Network Management Services INN International Network News INOC Internet Network Operations Center INPO In No Particular Order (Slang) INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, France INS Input String INS Instance Object INSB Internet Services for the Blind INT Interrupt, Internal, Integer, Interrogative INTA International Trademark Association INTA Interrupt Acknowledge INTAP Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing, Japan INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INWG International/Internet Working Group IO Input/Output, I/O IOAPIC Input Output Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller IOAT Input Output Acceleration Technology IOC Input Output Controller IOCS Input/Output Control System IOCTL Input/Output Control IOD Information Object Definition IOD Intelligence On Demand IOE Input Output Engine IOFEXT Input Output Far End Crosstalk IOMMU Input Output Memory Management Unit IONL Internal Organization of the Network Layer (OSI) IOP Input Output Processor IOP Internal Operation IOPL Input/Output Priviledge Level IOR Indian Ocean Region IOS Input Output Subsystem IOS International Organization for Standardization IOS Internetwork Operating System (CISCO) IOSGA Input/Output Support Gate Array IOT Inter-Office Trunk IOTA Islands On The Air IOTP Internet Open Trading Protocol IOW In Other Words (Slang) IP Image Processing IP Information Provider IP Instruction Pointer IP Integer Programming IP Intellectual Property IP Intelligent Peripheral IP Interactive Proof IP Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) IP Interrupt Process IPA Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA International Phonetic Alphabet IPAE IP Address Encapsulation IPARS International Passenger Airline Reservation System IPAVS IP-Adressen-Verwaltungs-System IPC Instructions Per Clock IPC Integrated Passive Component IPC Inter Personal Computer IPC Interprocess Communication IPCA Internet Parallel Computing Archive IPCI Industrial PCI IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol IPDS IBM/Intelligent Printer Data Stream IPES Improved Proposed Encryption Standard IPF Information Presentation Facility IPG In Plane Gate Transistor IPG Inter Packet Gap IPI Image Processing and Interchange IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface IPI International Payment Instruction IPIP Internet Protocol within Internet Protocol IPL Information Processing Language IPL Initial Program Loader IPL Interrupt Priority Level IPM Intelligent Power Mode/Module/MOS, Interpersonal Message IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface IPMP Intellectual Property Management and Protection IPMV95 Integrated Packet Trunk Module V.95 Interface IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation (IPv6) IPNS ISDN PBX Networking Specification IPOC Interim Policy Oversight Committee IPON Intelligent Passive Optical Network IPP Intel Primitive Performance (Library) IPP Internet Presence Provider IPP Internet Printing Protocol IPPV Impulse/Instant Pay Per View IPR Intellectual Property Rights IPRB Intellectual Property Review Board IPS In Plane Switching (panel) IPS inch per second IPS Internet Privacy Standard IPS Intrusion Prevention System IPSE Integrated Project Support Environment IPSEC Internet Protocol Security Protocol IPSI (Fraunhofer-Institut für) Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme IPT Immersive Projection Technology IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council IPTO Information Processing Techniques/Technology Office IPTV Internet Protocol Television IPU Imposition Processing Unit IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4 IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (= IPng) IPVR Inst. für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner, Stuttgart IPW Incremental Packet Writing IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell) IPXCP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol IQL Interactive Query Language IQMS Integrated Quality Management System IR Information Request/Retrieval IR Infrared, Infrarot IR Intermediate Representation IR Internet Registry IRAC Indpendent Review Advisory Committee IRAF Image Reduction and Analysis Facility IRAS I Really Am Sorry (Slang) IRB Instruction Recoder Buffer IRB Instrumentation Request Broker IRC International Record Carrier IRC International Reply Coupon IRC Internet Relay Chat IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder (TV) IRD Internet Resource Directory IRDA Infrared Data Association IRDS Information Resources Dictionary System IRG Implicit Regeneration IRICE Integrated Remote Interface Control Element IRIG Interrange Instrumentation Group IRIS Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems IRIS Intelligent Reference Information System IRIS Interregional Information Society Initiative IRL In Real Life (Slang) IRL Inter Repeater Link IRLED Infrared Light Emitting Diode IRM Information Rights/Resource Management IRQ Information/Interrupt Request IRR Information Request Response IRR Internet Routing Registry IRS Information Retrieval System IRS Interchange Record Separator IRS Internal Revenue Service IRS Intrusion Response System IRSG Internet Research Steering Group IRT Institut für Rundfunktechnik, München IRTF Internet Research Task Force IRV International Reference Version IS In Service IS Information Separator/Sevices/System IS Integrated Service IS Intensity Stereo IS Interactive Service (Telecommunication) IS Intermediate System IS International Standard (ISO) IS Interrupt Status ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISA Informationssystem Studienwahl und Arbeitsmarkt, Duisburg/Essen ISA Instruction Set Architecture ISA Integrated Services Architecture ISA Interactive Services Association ISA Internet Security and Acceleration (Server) ISAKMP Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol ISAM Index/Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAPI Internet Server API ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description ISBN International Standard Book Number ISBT It's Strange But True (Slang) ISC Instruction Set Computer ISC Internet Service Center ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture ISCB Interessengemeinschaft sehgeschädigter Computerbenutzer ISCSI Internet SCSI ISD Image Section Descriptor ISD Instructional System Design ISD International Standard Data Network ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN Isosorbitdinitrat ISDN Ist sowas denn nötig? (Slang) ISFET Ionensensitiver Feldeffekttransitor ISFT Industrial Siemens Flatpanel Technology ISH Information Superhighway ISI Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California ISI Information Society Index ISI Institute for Scientific Information, USA ISI Inter Symbol Interference ISI Internally Specified Index ISIN International Securities Identification Number ISIS Intermediate System to Intermediate System Protocol (OSI) ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification ISL Imperceptible Structured Light ISL Initial System Loader ISL Interactive System Language ISL Intersatellite Link ISM Industrial, Scientific, Medical (Applications) ISMA Internet Streaming Media Alliance ISMS Information Security Management System ISN Internet School/Shopping Networking ISNS Internet Storage Naming Service ISO International Standardization Organization ISOC Internet Society ISODE ISO Development Environment (OSI) ISP Image Synthesis Processor ISP International Standardized Profile ISP Internet Service Provider ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer ISP Interrupt Status Port ISPBX ISDN Private Branche Exchange ISPF Interactive Structured Programming Facility (IBM) ISPI Institut für Integrierte Publikationssysteme, Darmstadt ISPLSI in-system-programmable LSI ISPO Information Society Project Office ISQIT Information Systems Quality Improvement Team ISR Information Storage and Retrieval ISR Intermediate Session Routing ISR Interrupt Service Routine ISRC International Standard Recording Code ISRN International Standard Recording Number ISSA Information Systems Security Association ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference ISSE Information Security Solutions Europe ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension ISSN International Standard Serial Number ISSO Information System Security Officer ISSP Inter-Switch Signalling Protocol ISSP Internet Satellite Service Provider ISSS IBM Speech Server Services ISST (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik IST Information Society Technologies (Programme) IST Internet Transaction Server ISTF Internet Science and Technology Fair ISTF Internet Societal Task Force ISTM It Seems To Me (Slang) ISTO Information Science and Technology Office ISTPA International Security, Trust + Privacy Alliance ISTR I Seem To Remember (Slang) ISU Industry Solution Unit (IBM) ISUG International SGML/XML Users' Group ISUP ISDN User Part ISUS Information Services and User Support (DFN) ISV Independent Software Vendor ISVR Intel Smart Video Recorder ISWIM If you See What I Mean ISWL International Short Wave League ISWYM I See What You Mean (Slang) IT Information Technology, Informationstechnik ITA Intend To Adopt (Debian) ITA Interface Test Adapter ITA Interim Type Approval ITA International Telegraphy Alphabet ITAA Information Technology Association of America ITAC ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit ITB Information Technology Branch ITB Intermediate Text Block ITC Independent Television Commission ITC IntelliCAD Technology Consortium ITC International Telegraph Code ITE Informationstechnische Einrichtung ITE Internal Terminal Emulator ITF Isochronous Transfer ITG Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE ITG Informationstechnische Grundausbildung ITHE International Travel Host Exchange ITI Interactive Terminal Interface ITIF Information Technology and Innovation Foundation ITK Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation ITLB Instruction TLB ITM Internet Transaction Mix ITO Indium Tin Oxide ITO Intend To Orphan (Debian) ITOT ISO Transport Service on top of TCP ITP Intent To Package (Debian) ITR Internet Talk Radio ITRS International Roadmap for Semiconductors ITS Incompatible Time-Sharing System ITS Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, USA ITS Intelligent Transport System ITS International Telecommunications Society ITS Internationalization Tag Set ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria/Certification ITSEM Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual ITSK IT Sicherheitskriterien (Grünbuch) ITSP Internet Telephony Service Provider ITSTC Information Technology Steering Committee ITT Internet, Television, Telephone ITT Invitation To Transmit (Arcnet) ITU Intelligent Thermal Update ITU International Telecommunication Union ITUG International Telecommunications Users' Group ITV Interactive Television ITW In The Wild ITX Intermediate Text Block IU Integer Unit IUG Informix User Group IUK Information und Kommunikation IUKDG Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics IUR International User Requirements IUS Interchange Unit Separator IUTY It's Up To You (Slang) IV Initialisation Vector IV Interessenverbund IVB Individuelle Verkehrsbeeinflussung IVBB Informationsverbund Bonn-Berlin IVCA International Visual Communication Association IVDLAN Integrated Voice and Data Local Area Network IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System IVIS Interactive Video Information System IVN Intervening Network IVNM Interessenverband Neue Medien IVOD Interactive Video On Demand IVP Installation Verification Image IVR Interactive Voice Recognition/Response IVS IBM Verkabelungssystem IVS Interactive Visualization System IVT Interrupt Vector Table IVV Independent Verification and Validation IVW Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeerträgen IW Information Warfare IWBNI It Would Be Nice If (Slang) IWF Impulswahlverfahren (Telefon) IWU Interworking Unit IWV Impulswahlverfahren IX Internet Exchange IXA Internet Exchange Architecture IXC Interexchange Carrier IXF Integrated Exchange Format IXI International X.25 Interconnect IXP Internet Exchange Point IYB In Your Basket (Slang) IYSWIM If You See What I Mean (Slang) IZT Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung