- Abkürzungs-Liste (Informatik, Telekommunikation)
- Das Wörterbuch ABKLEX enthält eine Auswahl von rund 12 800 Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation in englischer, deutscher und französischer Sprache mit entsprechenden Auflösungen.
- Zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht immer unterschieden.
- Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht als solche gekennzeichnet.
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- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2009
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stand: 01.01.2008
H Hardware, High, Home H4P High-Performance Parallel Processor Project HA Halbaddierer HA Half Adder HA High Availability/Aperture HA Home Agent/Appliances HAAPI Human Authentication Application Program Interface HAB Host Adapter Board HAC Hierarchical Arc Consistency HAC High Availability Cluster HACMP High Availability Cluster Management Protocol HACMP High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing (IBM) HACS Hazard Assessment Computer System HADA High Availability Disk Array HAK Hugs And Kisses (Slang) HAL Hard Array Logic HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer HAL Heuristically programmed Algorithmic Computer HAL House Programmed Array Logic HAM Hypertext Abstract Machine HAND Have A Nice Day (Slang) HANFS Highly Available Network File System HAP Host Access Protocol HAREC Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate HAS Hauptanschluss HASP Houston Automatic Spooling Package/Priority HB Home Banking HBA Host Bus Adapter HBC Home Banking Computer HBCDC High Bandwidth Cellular Data Channel HBCI Home Banking Computer Interface HBES Home and Building Electronic Systems HBO Host Byte Order HBS Home Bus System HCA Heartbeat Collision Avoidance HCA Host Channel Adapter HCCSM High Performance Common Channel Signalling Modul HCD Host Controller Device HCF Halt and Catch Fire (Slang) HCF Hybrid Distribution Function HCI Host Controller Interface HCI Human Computer Interaction/Interface HCLP Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming HCMOS High Speed CMOS HCN Hierarchical Cache Network HCP Hardware Control Protocol HCP Host Configuration Protocol HCRP Hardcopy Replacement Profile HCS Header Check Sequence HCT Home Communication Terminal HCVQ Hierarchical Classified Vector Quantization HD Hard Disk HD Heavy Duty HD High Definition/Density HD Hilfskanal Datenleitung HDA Head and Disk Assembly HDA High Definition Audio HDAP High Definition Audio Performance HDAP Home Digital Audio Platform HDB High Density Bipolar (code) HDB HoneyDanBer (P. Honeyman, D. A. Nowitz, B. E. Redman) (uucp) HDB3 High Density Bipolar Code of Order 3 HDC Hard Disk Controller HDC Hash Distributed Caching HDCD High Definition Compatible Digital HDCD High Density Compact Disk HDCP High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection HDCP High Definition Content Protection HDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection HDD Hard Disk Drive, High Definition Display HDDVD High Density Digital Versatile Disc HDF HDSL Dual Framer HDF Hierarchical Data Format HDI Head to Disk Interference HDL Hierarchical Design Language HDLC High Level Data Link Control (Protocol) HDM Hardware Device Module HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface HDML Handheld Device Markup Language HDN Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datennetz HDPLD High Density Programmable Logic Device HDR HDSL Dual Regenerator HDR Header HDR High Dynamic Range HDRI High Dynamic Range Image HDRR High Dynamic Range Rendering HDS High Definition System HDSC High Density Signal Carrier HDSL High Bit/Data Rate/Speed Digital Subscriber Line/Link/Loop HDTV High Definition Television HDW Hardware HDX Half Duplex HE Head End HE High Efficiency HE Höheneinheit (in Racks) HEA Health/Higher Education Authority HEAAC High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coder/Coding HEAT Helpdesk Expert Automation Tool HEC Header Error Control/Check HECTOR Heterogeneous Computer Together HEHO Head End Hop Off HEL Hardware Emulation Layer HEM Home, Entertainment, Multimedia HEMP High-level Entity Management Protocol (Internet) HEMS High-level Entity Management System (Internet) HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor HEN Home Entertainment Network HENSA Higher Education National Software Archive HEO Highly Elliptical Orbit HEP Heterogenous Element/multi Processor HEPNET High Energy Physics Network HERF High Energy Radio Frequency HERT HERT/Hackers' Emergency Response Team HES Home Electronic System (Siemens) HESSLA Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement HEX hexadezimal HF High Frequency/Functionality HF Hochfrequenz HFC Hybrid Fiber Coax (Network) HFD Hauptanschluss für Direktwahl/Direktruf HFD Hot Fix Device HFEP Host Front End Protocol HFM High Frequency Mode HFP Hands Free Profile HFRG Gesetz über den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeräten HFS Hierarchical File System HFT High Function Terminal HGA Head Gimbal Assembly HGA Hercules Graphics Adapter HGA High Gain Antenna HGC Hercules Graphics Card/Controller HGML Hyper Graphics Markup Language HGZH Hoffe Geholfen Zu Haben (Slang) HHI Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin HHOK Ha Ha Only Kidding (Slang) HHOS Ha Ha Only Serious (Slang) HI Handover Interface HID Human Interface Device (Profile) HIDS Host-based/Hybrid Intrusion Detection System HIFD High Density Floppy Disk HIFI Hypertext Interface For Information HIL Hardware In the Loop HIL Human Interface Link (HP) HILI High Level Interface HINFO Host Information (Record) HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, USA HIPER High Performance European Radio HIPPI High Performance Parallel Interface HIPS Host Intrusion Prevention System HIS House Information System HISA Health Informatics Service Architecture HISA Healthcare Information System Architecture HK Host Key HKSCS Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set HL Halbleiter HL Hop Level (Flow Control) HLCO High Low Close Open HLDS Hitachi LG Data Storage HLL High Level Language HLLAPI HLL Application Program Interface HLM Heterogeneous LAN Management HLQ High Level Qualifier HLR Home Location Register HLRN Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Nord HLRN Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen HLRS Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart HLRZ Hochleistungsrechenzentrum HLS Hue, Lightness/Luminance, Saturation (Farbmodell) HLT Halt HM Hilfskanal Meldeleitung HMA High Memory Area HMA Hub Management Architecture HMAC (keyed) Hash Message Authentication Code HMC Hardware Management Console HMC Her/His Majesty's Computer (Fun) HMD Head/Helmet Mounted Display HMI Horizontal Motion Index HMI Human Machine Interface HMMP Hypermedia Management Protocol HMMS Hypermedia Management Scheme HMOS High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor HMOS High Speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor HMP Heterogeneous Multi-Processing HMP Host Monitoring Protocol HMUX Hybrid Multiplexer HOB Head Of Bus HOB Hierarchical Operational Binding HOH HDSL Overhead Bit Handling HOL Higher Order Logic HON Health On the Net HOP Homecast Open Protocol HOPTE High Order Path Terminating Equipment HOS Health Online Service HP Hewlett-Packard HP Hochpass HP Home Page HPA Host Protected Area HPB Half Power Bandwidth HPC Handheld Personal Computer HPC Health Professional Card HPC High Performance Cluster/Computing HPCA High Performance Computing Act HPCC High Performance Computing Challenge HPCC High Performance Computing and Communications HPCI High Performance Computing Initiative HPCRC High Performance Computing Research Center HPCS High Performance Communication Server HPDPS Hewlett-Packard Distributed Print System HPDS High Performance Data System HPET High Precision Event Timer HPF High Performance FORTRAN HPFL Hewlett-Packard Fiber Optic Link HPFS High Performance File System (OS/2) HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language HPI Host Port Interface HPIB Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus HPL Home Product Link HPLIP Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing HPM Hyper Page Mode HPOFS High Performance Optical File System HPPA Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture HPPI High Performance Parallel Interface HPPS Hewlett-Packard Payment Scheme HPQ Hewlett-Packard Compaq HPR High Performance Routing HPSB High Performance Serial Bus (FireWire) HPSC High Performance Scientific Computing HPSL Hewlett-Packard Support Line HPSN High Performance Scalable Networking HPSS High Performance Storage System HPTC3 High Prformance Technical Computing Competence Center HQ High Quality HR High Reflection (Display) HR High Resolution HRC Half Rate Channel HRC Hybrid Ring Control HRG High Resolution Graphics HRIS Human Resource Information System HRM Hopwise Reliable Multicast HRMS Human Resource Management System HRN Heterogenes Rechnernetz HRNG Hardware Random Number Generator HRRN Highest Response Ratio Next HRS Hotel Reservation Service HRT High Resolution Telemetry HRTF Head Related Transfer Function HRZ Hochschul-Rechenzentrum HS High Speed HS Hilfskanal Steuerleitung HSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness HSC High Speed Channel/Connect HSCC Home-based Server-less Cooperative Caching HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data HSD High Speed Data HSDN High Speed Data Network HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access HSDT High Speed Data Transport HSI Hardware-Software-Interface HSI Hayes Synchronous Interface HSI Hue, Saturation, Intensity HSIK How Should I Know (Slang) HSIM High Speed Interface Module HSL Hierarchical Specific Language HSLAN High Speed Local Area Network HSLFX Hierarchical Specification Language – Function Extension HSM Herzschrittmacher HSM Hierarchical Storage Management/Manager HSMD High Speed Mobile Data HSO Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Online-Süchtige e. V. HSP Headset Profile HSP High Speed Peering HSP High Speed Printer/Processor HSP High Speed Publishing HSPA High Speed Packet Access HSPI High Speed Parallel Interface HSPS High Speed Peripheral Shelf HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol (Cisco) HSSDC High Speed Serial Data Connection/Connector HSSG High Speed Study Group HSSI High Speed Serial Interface HST High Speed Technology/Telegraphy HSTR High Speed Token Ring HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access HSV Hue, Saturation, Value (Farbmodell) HT High Tension HT Horizontal Tabulator HT Hyper Threading HTA High Temperature Alarm HTB Hierarchical Token Bucket HTC High Throughput Cluster HTCC High Temperature Cofired Ceramic HTCP Hyper Text Caching Protocol HTFS High Throughput File System HTH Hope This/That Helps (Slang) HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTMPL Hypertext Markup with Perl Language HTPC Home Theatre Personal Computer HTSI Host Transport Service Interface HTT Hyper-Threading Technology HTTP Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (Internet) HTTPS Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure/Security/over TLS/SSL (Internet) HTX HTML Extensions HUC Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing HUD Heads Up Display HV High Voltage HVC Hue (Farbton), Value (Helligkeit), Chroma (Buntheit) HVD High Voltage Differential (SCSI) HVD Holographic Versatile Disc HVM Hardware Virtual Machine HVP Horizontal + Vertical Position HVT Hauptverteiler HVV Hyperlink Vector Voting HW Hardware HWANS Hinweisansage HWCP Hardware Code Page HWID Hardware Identifier HWMP Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol HYTEA Hypertext Authoring Environment