- Abkürzungs-Liste (Informatik, Telekommunikation)
- Das Wörterbuch ABKLEX enthält eine Auswahl von rund 12 800 Abkürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation in englischer, deutscher und französischer Sprache mit entsprechenden Auflösungen.
- Zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht immer unterschieden.
- Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht als solche gekennzeichnet.
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- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2009
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stand: 01.01.2008
M Manage, Memory, Message, Mobile, Mode, Multi M Meldeleitung M2FM Modified Double Frequency Modulation MA Management Agent MA Master MAB Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken MABI Macintosh Application Binary Interface MAC Machine Aided Cognition MAC Mainframe Attachment Controller MAC Maintaining Arc Consistency MAC Mandatory/Medium/Media/Memory Access Control/Controller MAC Membership Advisory Committee MAC Message Authentication Check/Code MAC Multi Access Computer MAC Multiplexed Analogue Components MAC Multiply Accumulate/Accumulator (Command, Unit) MACE Middleware Architectural Committee for Education MACF Mandatory Access Control Framework MACP Motion Adaptive Color Plus MACS Mixed Aloha Carrier Sense MACS Modem Access Control System MACUL Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning MADCAP Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol MADSL Margin Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line MAE Macintosh Application Environment MAE Metropolitan Area Exchange MAF Mozilla Archive Format MAGRAM Magnetic Random Access Memory MAN Manchester (Coding) MAN Metropolitan Area Network MANET Mobile Adhoc Network MANIAC Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, and Computer MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol MAP Manufacturing Package MAP Mesh Access Point MAP Message Access Protocol MAP Mobile Application Part MAPI Mail/Message/Messaging Application Programmer/Programming Interface MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control System (IBM) MAPS Mail Abuse Prevention System MAPTOP MAP Technical Office Protocol MAR Memory Address Register MARBI Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information (Committee) MARC Machine-Readable Cataloging/Code MARID MTA Authorization Records In DNS MARP Multi LAN Address Resolution Protocol MARPA Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid MARS Message Archiving and Retrieval Service MARS Military Affiliate Radio System MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server MAS Microsoft Anti-Spyware MAS Multi Agent System MASC Multicast Address-Set Claim (Protocol) MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation MASI (Laboratoire de) Modelisation et d'Architecture des Systemes Informatiques MASM Macro Assembler (Microsoft) MASS Mass Storage System MASS Message Authentication Signature Standard MATIP Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange MAU Medium Attachment Unit (Ethernet) MAU Multi Station Access Unit MAVT Mobile Audio Visual Terminal MAZ Magnetbildaufzeichnung MB Macro Block MB Megabyte/Multi Byte MBA Macroblock Address MBA Managed (PC) Boot Agent MBC Multi Bit Cell MBFT Multipoint Binary File Transfer MBMS Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service MBONE Multicast/Multimedia Backbone MBPS Megabits/bytes per second MBR Master Boot Record MBS Maximum Burst Size MBS Mobile Broadband System MBX Mailbox MC Master Control MC Miniature Card MC Mobile Commerce/Communication MC Moving Coil MC Multi Carrier/Cast MC Multipoint Controller MCA Machine Check Architecture MCA Micro Channel Architecture (IBM) MCA Mission Critical Application MCA Motion Capture and Analysis MCA Multiprocessor Communication Adapter MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design MCAST Motif Cluster Alignment and Search Tool MCAT Metadata Catalog MCB Memory Control Block MCBSP Multi Channel Buffered Serial Port MCC Mamas Computer Club MCC Manchester Computing Centre MCC Memory Cache Controller MCC Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation MCC Mission Control Center MCCOI Multimedia Communications Community of Interest MCCS Monitor Command and Control Set (VESA) MCD Mad Computer Disease MCD Mini Client Driver MCDA Micro Channel Developers Association MCDS Mail Channel Directory System MCDU Multipurpose Control and Display Unit MCE Machine Check Exception MCE Management Communication Engine MCE Media Center Edition MCF Meta Content Format MCF MOM Connector Framework (Microsoft) MCGA Multi Colour Graphics Adaptor/Array MCGAM MIXER Conformant Global Address Mapping MCH Memory Controller Hub MCI Media Control Interface MCIR Machine Controlled Interactive Retrieval MCIS Microsoft Commercial Internet System MCM Media and Communication Management MCM Multi Carrier Modulation MCM Multi Chip Module MCN Media Catalogue Number MCN Multiple Crossbar Network MCNC Microelectronics Center of North Carolina MCNS Multimedia Cable Network System MCOP Management Coprocessor MCOP Mobile Connect One-time Password MCOP Multimedia Communication Protocol (KDE) MCP Macintosh Coprocessor Platform MCP Master Control Programm MCP Media and Communications Processor MCP Microsoft Certified Professional MCP Multichip Package MCPP Microsoft Communications Protocol Program MCR Minimal/Minimum Cell Rate MCS Master Control Station MCS Mission Critical Server MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme MCS Multicast Server MCS Multinational Character Set MCS Multipoint Communication Services/System MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer MCSG Mathematical and Computational Sciences Group MCT Memory Controller MCT MOS Controlled Thyristor MCU Master Control Unit MCU Memory/Micro/Multipoint/Module Control/Controller Unit MCU Minimum Coded Unit MCU Multi Chip Unit MCU Multicast Unit MCU Multipoint Conferencing/Control Unit MCX Media Center Extender MD Mail Drop MD Mediation Device MD Message Digest MD Mini Disk MD5 Message Digest 5 MDA Mail Delivery Agent MDA Media Dependent/Device Adapter MDA Mediated Digest Authentication MDA Mesh Deterministic Access MDA Mobile Digital Assistant MDA Model Driven Architecture MDA Merci d'avance (Slang) MDA Monochrome Display Adapter MDAC Master Data Acquisition and Control System MDAC Microsoft Data Access Component MDBMS Multidimensional DBMS MDBS Mobile Data Base Station MDDI Mobile Digital Display Interface (VESA) MDE Maschinendatenerfassung MDEC Motion (JPEG) Decoder MDF Main Distribution Frame MDH Multimedia Data Handling MDI Media/Medium Dependent Interface MDI Multiple Document Interface MDIS Mobile Data Intermediate System MDIX Media/Medium Dependent Interface Crossed MDK Multimedia Development Kit (Microsoft) MDN Message Disposition Notification MDNI Management Director Network Interface MDNS Managed Data Network Service MDR Minimum Design Requirement MDS Meta Data Server MDS Monitoring and Discovery Service MDS Mulit-Dimensional Scaling MDS Multiple Data Stream MDSL Medium Bit Rate/Multirate Digital Subscriber Line MDSTV Mediendienstestaatsvertrag MDT Mittlere Datentechnik MDT Mobile Data Terminal MDY Month Day Year (Datumsangabe) ME Mutation Engine MEB Memory Expansion Board MECN Mobile Extended Corporate Network MEDARS Medical Access and Retrieval System MEDLINE Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System MELANI Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung, Schweiz MEMS Micro Electro-Mechanical System MEO Medium Earth Orbit MERIT Michigan Education Research Insruction Triad MERLIN Message Handling and Radio Link Management MERS Most Economical Route Selection MES Mobile End System MESFET Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MESI Modified Exclusive Shared Invalid (Cache) MET Memory Enhancement Technology MET Middle European Time METAL Macro Expansion Template Attribute Language MEXE Mobil Station Execution Environment MEZ Mitteleuropäische Zeit MF Marinefunker MF Multifunktion MFC Mainframe Computer MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes MFC Multifunktionale Chipkarte MFFS Microsoft Flash File System MFI Metafile Input MFIA Magtape Formatter Interface Adapter MFJ Modified Final Judgement MFLOP Million Floating Point Operations MFM Modified Frequency Modulation MFO Metafile Output MFP Multifunction Peripheral MFPA Multi Function Peripheral Association MFQ Multilevel Feedback Queue MFR Multi Frequency Receiver MFS Macintosh File System MFS Maximum Frame Size MFS Memory File System MFS Mitteilungen für Seefunkstellen MFT Master File Table MFT Multi-Programming with a Fixed number of Tasks MFTL My Favorite Toy Language MFTP Multicast File Transfer Protocol MFV Mehrfrequenz-Wahlverfahren (Telefon) MG Master Group MG Media Gateway MGA Mehrgeäteanschluss MGA Monochrome/Multimode Graphic Adapter MGC Media Gateway Controller MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol MGFT Motion Group Fourier Transform MGPF Multiprogram General Purpose Facilities MGR Multi Gigabit Router MH Modified Huffman (Compression) MHD Moving Head Disk MHEG Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert Group MHF Message Handling Facility MHN Münchener Hochschul-Netz MHOTY My Hat's Off To You (Slang) MHP Multimedia Home Platform MHS Message/Mail Handling Service/System MHTML MIME encoded Hypertext Markup Language MI Mode Indicate MI Modul Interface MI Multiple Instruction (Stream Computer) MIA Missing In Action (Debian) MIAS Mehrwertsteuerinformationsaustauschsystem MIB Management Information Base MIB Melde- und Informationssystem Binnenschifffahrt MIC Macro Interpretative Command MIC Media Interface Connector MIC Memory In Cassette MIC Message Integrity Check/Code MIC Mode Indicate Common MIC Multimedia Interactive Control MICA Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation MICE Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for Europe MICK Multimedia-Informations-Centrum Karlsruhe MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MICS Mobile Information and Communication Systems MID Maritime Identification Digit MID Message Identifier MID Mobile Internet Device MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile MIDS Matrix Internet Data Survey MIEF Management Information Error Facility MIF Management Information File/Format MIHMA Model-based Integration Heterogeneous Multimedia Archives MII Media Independent Interface MII Microsoft, IBM, Intel MIL military; Internet-Domain: Militär in den USA MIL (amerikanische Militärnorm) MIL Machine Interface Layer MILNET Military Network, USA MIM Metall-Isolator-Metall (Bildschirm) MIMD Multiple Instructions Multiple Data MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output MINC Multilingual Internet Names Consortium MIO Modular Input Output MIP Maximum Integration Phone MIPA Mutual Internet Practices Association MIPS Million Instructions Per Second MIPS Most Irrelevant Product Specification MIPS Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems MIPTEL Mobile IP Telephony MIS Management Information System MIS Metal Insulator Semiconductor MISD Multiple Instructions Single Data MIT Management Information Tree MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan MITM Man In The Middle (attack) MITMA Man In The Middle Attack MITS Model Instrumentation Telemetry System MIX Member Information Exchange MIXER MIME Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay MJ Major Descriptor MJ Modular Jack (Steckersystem) MJPEG Motion-JPEG MKL Mathematical Kernel Library (Intel) MKT Multifunktionales Kartenterminal ML Machine/Meta Language MLA Micro Lense Array MLA My Local Address MLC Multi Level Cell MLD Master Logic Diagram MLD Multicast Listener Discovery MLE Millenium Language Extension MLI Multiple Link Interface MLID Multiple Link Interface Driver MLIS Multilingual Information Society MLM Mailing List Manager MLM Multi-Level Marketing MLP Message/Multilayer Link Protocol MLPPP Multi Link PPP MLR Multi-Channel Linear Recording MLS Multi Level Security MLS Multiple Link Support MLT Mechanized Loop Testing MLT Multi-Level Transition/Transmission MLT Multi Link Trunking MLV Multi Language Vendor MM Maschinenlesbares Merkmal MM Material/Mobility Management MM Metadata Manager MM Moving Magnet MM Multiple Master MMA Million Message Attack MMA Multi-Megabit-Anpassung MMAC Multi Media Access Center MMAP Multi Media Access Profile MMC Man Machine Communication MMC Matched Memory Cycle MMC Microsoft Management Console MMC MIDI Machine Control MMC Multi Media Card/Commands MMCA Multi Media Card Association MMCD Multimedia Compact Disc MMDF Multichannel Memorandum Distribution Facility MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System MME Multi Media Extensions MMF Make Money Fast MMF Multi-Mode Fiber MMI Man Machine Interface MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit MMIS Materials Manager Information System MMJ Modified Modular Jack (Steckersystem) MMK Multimediale Kommunikation MML Man Machine Language MML Mathematical Markup Language MMM Memory Mapper Modul MMM Micro Macro Magician MMM Microsoft Multimedia Movie MMM Mobile Media Mode MMM Multi Media Mediocrity MMORPG Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game MMP Massive Multi Processing MMPC Multi Message Package Chaffing MMPM Multi Media Presentation Manager MMR Modified Modified Read (Compression) MMR Multi Hop Relay MMS Manufacturing Message Specification MMS Module Management System MMS Multimedia Messaging Service MMS Multimedia Survey MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity MMT Multimedia Timer MMTCA Multimedia Toolbox for Cooperative Applications MMU Memory Management Unit MMX Multi Media Extensions MN Minor Descriptor MNG Minimal No-Good MNIT Mobile Networks Integration Technology MNP Microcom Networking Protocol MNP Multiple Networking Program MNRE Manual Not Read Error (Slang) MNS Managed Network Services MO Magneto-Optical (Disk) MO Managed Object MO Mobile Originated (Message) MOAP Multihop Over the Air Programming MOBB Month Of Browser Bugs MOCA Music Online Competition Act MOD Magneto-Optical Disk MOD Movie/Music On Demand MODCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture MODEM Modulator-Demodulator MODFET Modulation Doped Field Effect Transistor MOESI Modified, Owner, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid MOF Meta Object Facility MOH Music On Hold MOHLL Machine Oriented High Level Language MOKB Month Of Kernel Bugs MOLAP Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing MOLI Microsoft Online Institute MOLP Microsoft Open License Pak MOM Map Oriented Machine MOM Message Oriented Middleware MOM Microsoft Operations Manager MOO MUD/Multiuser Object Oriented MOON Management Of Optical Networks MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC) MOP Multiple Original Prints MOPL Map oriented Programming Language MOPS Million Operations Per Second MOS Mean Opinion Score MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSC Modified Original Smart Card MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UNIX MOSPF Multicast Extensions to OSPF MOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First MOSS Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server MOSS MIME Object Security Services MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport MOST Mobile Open Systems Technology MOT Multimedia Object Transfer MOTAS Member Of The Appropriate Sex (Slang) MOTIS Message Oriented Text Interchange System MOU Memorandum Of Understanding MOV Metal Oxide Varistor MP Magic Packet MP Massively Parallel MP Mesh Point MP Multilink Protocol MP Multiple Processors MP Multipoint Processor MP Multiprocessing MP3 MPEG Layer 3 MPA Minimum Perceptable Action MPA Motion Picture Association MPAA Motion Picture Association of America MPC Microsoft Certified Professional MPC Multimedia PC MPCS Manufacturing Planning and Control System MPE Maximum Permissible Exposition MPE Multiprogramming Executive MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MPF Mapping Field MPG Medizinprodukte-Gesetz MPI Message Passing Interface MPI Multi-Protocol Interchange MPICH Message Passing Interface Chameleon MPL Mozilla Public License MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching MPM Message/Multi Processing Module MPMLQ Multipulse Maximum Likelihood Quantization MPOA Multi Protocol Over ATM MPP Massively Parallel Processing/Processor MPP Message Posting/Processing Program/Protocol MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol MPQS Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve MPR Massenparallelrechner MPR Mät- och Provningsrådet (Schweden) MPR Multi-Protocol Router MPR Multipart Repeater MPR Multipoint Relay MPRM Mobile Payment Reference Model MPT Memory Protocol Translator MPT Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, UK + Japan MPTF Multiple Protocol Transport Feature MPTN Multi-/Multiple Protocol Transport Network (IBM) MPTP Micro Payment Transfer Protocol MPTS Multiprotocol Transport Services (IBM) MPU Microprocessor Unit MPU MIDI Processing Unit MPW Macintosh Programmers/Programming Workbench MPX Multiplex MQ Message Queuing MQE Managed Query Environment MQI Messaging and Queuing Interface MR magneto-resistiv MR Modem Ready MR Modified Read (Compression) MRAM Magnetoresistive/Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory MRB Method Request Broker MRC Magneto-Resistive Cluster MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Center MRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression Format MRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface MRM Motif Resource Manager MRM Multi Resolution Mesh MRML Mind Reading Markup Language MRML Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language MRO Multi-Region Operation MRP Material Requirements Planning MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning MRPL Main Ring Path Length MRS Media Recognition System MRS Microcontroller Readable Sector MRS Mode Register Set MRS Moderator Recovery System MRS Monitored Retrievable Storage MRT Mean Repair Time MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document MRU Maximum Receive Unit MRZ Machine Readable Zone MS Management Services MS Memory System MS Message Store MS Microsoft Corporation MS Mobile Station MS Multiplexer Section MS Music/Speech MSA Microsoft Systems Architecture MSA Mobile Service Architecture MSAA Microsoft Active Accessibility MSAIS Multiplexer Section Alarm Indication Signal MSAM Microsoft Screen Access Model MSAM Multikeyed Indexed Sequential File Access Method MSAP Minislotted Alternating Priorities MSAU Multi-Station Access Unit MSB Most Significant Bit/Byte MSC Main Service Channel MSC Mobile (Services) Switching Centre MSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disk Extensions MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge/Reply Handshake Protocol MSCP Mass Storage Control Protocol MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server/Services MSD Mass Storage Device MSD Most Significant Digit MSDL Motion Special Description Language MSDN Microsoft Developer Network MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System MSDP Multicast Source Discovery Protocol MSDR Multiplexed Streaming Data Request MSDS Microsoft Developer Support MSDS MIDI Sample Dump Standard MSFDC Microsoft + First Data Corporation MSG Message MSI Maritime Safety Information MSI Medium Scale Integration MSI Message Signaled Interrupt MSI Microsoft Installer MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Master Symbol List MSL Map Specification Library MSL Mirrored Server Link MSM Mainstream Media MSN Microsoft Network MSN Multiple Subscriber Number MSO Multiple System Operator MSOH Multiplexer Section Overhead MSOPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First MSP Message Security Protocol MSP Multiplexer Section Protection MSR Machine Specific Register MSR Message Service Routine MSR Messen, Steuern, Regeln MSR Model Specific Registers MSR Multiplicity Shift Register MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number MSS MAN Switching System MSS Maximum Segment Size MSS Mobile Satellite Service MSSG MPEG Software Simulation Group MSTE Multiplexer Section Terminating Equipment MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol MSU Multi Service Unit MSV Medium Speed Variant MSW Machine Status Word MT Mobile Terminated (Messaging) MT Movable Type MTA Macintosh Telephony Architecture MTA Mail/Message Transfer Agent MTA Multiple Terminal Access MTBB Mean Time Between Breakdowns MTBDL Mean Time Between Data Loss MTBF Mean Time Between Failures MTBJ Mean Time Between Jams MTC Multi Threaded Calculation MTD Memory Technology Device MTDA Mean Time Data Availability MTF Mean Time to Failure MTF Microsoft Tape Format MTF Modulation Transfer Function MTFBWY May The Force Be With You (Slang) MTH Memory Translation/Translator Hub MTJ Magnetic Tunnel Junction MTN Mini Typing Notify MTOPS Millions Theoretical Operations Per Second MTP Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet) MTP Message Transfer Part MTQP Message Tracking Query Protocol MTRR Memory Type Range Register MTS Message Transfer/Telephone Services/System MTS Michigan Terminal System MTS Microsoft Transaction Server MTS Multichannel Television Sound MTS Multimedia Teleschool (Berlitz) MTTF Mean Time To Failure MTTH Mean Time To Half Brightness MTTR Mean Time To Recovery/Repair MTU Maximum Transfer/Transmission Unit MTUF Magnetic Tape Unit Formatter MU Message Unit Mü Maschinelle übersetzung MUA Mail User Agent MUCK Multi User Chat Kingdom MUD Multi/Multiple-User Dialogue/Dimension/Dungeon (Spiele) MUEW Monopolübertragungsweg MUF Maximal Usable Frequency MUFF Maus- und Fenster-Firlefanz MUL Mobile User Link MULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing Service MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System MUNDI Multiplexed Network for Distributive and Interactive Services MUSE Multiple Sub-Nyqyist-Sampling Encoding MUSEN Meinem Unmassgeblichen Sprachempfinden Nach (Slang) MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucinations MUSIC Multiple Signal Characterization/Classification MUSICAM Masking Universal Subband Integrated Coding and Multiplex MUTEX Mutual Exclusion MUX Multiplexer MVA Multi-domain Vertical Alignment (panel) MVB Multimedia Viewer Book MVC Manual Volume Control MVC Model View Controller (Smalltalk) MVC Multimedia Viewer Compiler MVC Micro-Bit-Virus-Centrum, Karlsruhe MVCC Multi Version Concurrency Control MVD Multi Valued Dependency MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines MVFS Multi Version File System MVGA Monochrome Video Graphics Array MVIP Multi Vendor Integration/Interaction Protocol MVL Multiple Virtual Line MVM Matrix Vector Multiplier MVP Multimedia Video Processor MVQ Motion Vector Quantization MVS Multiple Virtual Storage/Systems (IBM) MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks MVT Multi Vendor Teaming MW Mittelwelle, Medium Wave MWC Mirror Write Cache MWCG Multiply With Carry (random number) Generator MWCM Molecular Wire Crossbar Memory MWD Mehrwertdienst MWI Message Waiting Indication MWM Motif Window Manager MWMR Multiple Write, Multiple Read MWN Managed WAN Networks MX Mail Exchange/Exchanger (DNS-Record) MXF Material Exchange Format MXT Memory Expansion Technology (IBM) MYOB Mind Your Own Business (Slang) MZAP Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol